Hire a Garage Door Contractor in Wasilla or Palmer, AK

We can install, replace, upgrade or repair your door

Garage Door Repairs

Is your garage door stuck or screeching? We’ll handle it.

A black and white silhouette of a spring on a white background.

Garage Door Parts Replacements

A quick replacement can restore your door to working order.

A black and white drawing of a garage door with a wifi signal coming out of it.

Automatic Openers

Stay comfortable and warm in your car with an automatic opener.

A black and white drawing of a garage door on a white background.

Garage Door Maintenance

Seasonal maintenance can save you a bundle in repairs

The last thing you want to do on an icy day is fight with your garage door. Fortunately, with Garage Doors of Alaska, you won’t have to. Our experienced garage door contractor has helped countless residential and commercial clients throughout the Wasilla and Palmer, AK area.

Set up the garage door services you need by calling 907-376-4991 today.

Don’t Let a Damaged Door Slow You Down

Our garage door contractor works in Wasilla and Palmer, AK

Proudly Serving Alaska for 50 Years
Offering garage door services to residential and commercial clients

Maintain or upgrade your garage door

Your garage door is one of those things you take for granted until it stops working. When it does, you can get it back on track ASAP with help from Garage Doors of Alaska. Our wide range of garage door services includes repairs, parts replacements, seasonal maintenance and full door installations.

When to call a garage door contractor

Thanks to years of experience, we can do it all. You can depend on our garage door contractor to…

  • Restore proper tension and operation with a garage door spring replacement
  • Maintain smooth movement with a garage door bearing replacements
  • Fix door misalignment and prevent further damage with a garage door hinge replacement

Do you have a problem you don’t see listed here? Let us know!

Contact Us

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Let's Connect

A black and white drawing of a map pin on a white background.

Wasilla, AK 99623

A black and white drawing of a telephone on a white background.
(907) 376-4991

Serving Wasilla, Big Lake, Butte, Chugiak, Eagle River, Fairview, Houston, Lazy Mountain, Palmer, Sutton-Alpine, AK

Expertise.com is a website that says `` best garage door repair companies in anchorage ''.
The lift master logo is red and white on a white background.
A red and white craftsman logo on a white background.
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